Sunday, July 26, 2009

No time for prose

I'm making it. I'm actually done with my first rotation as of tomorrow at noon. Sadly, my second rotation starts tomorrow at 6 p.m.

As with anything, there's the good with the bad.

The bad:
-the hours: doing this in 14-27 hour shifts is not ideal. If I could do this in 12 hour shifts, my life would be good.
-being an intern: we are the bottom of the totem pole, which means we do the unpleasant stuff (post-partum rounds at 5am, "foreign body removal," responding to the call line).
-never being rested.
-never having enough time at home.

The good:
-the beauty of 4:45 am light, driving over the river with the skyline on one side and the bay on the other.
-the people who are in this with me.
-a husband who is really taking care of me.
-patients who remember me and ask for me by name.
-being there for the patients, in the good and bad moments.
-and, of course, guiding the slimy, squirmy new lives into the world.

The good really does win out in the end.


Unknown said...

Foreign body removal? I assume you are not referring to the babies. Yikes.

Hang in there! You're an awesome doctor, and your patients are lucky to have you!

twinsetjan said...

Looking forward to the foreign body stories next time we get to go out for drinks together!!

twinsetellen said...

This post made me smile, especially the husband reference. It is so nice to think of you two supporting each other through this tough but real time.

Of course, the slimy, squirmy new lives made me smile, too.