When I first started knitting, I scoffed at those people who had multiple projects going at once, who didn't finish their projects before buying new yarn. I understood the need for variety, which is why I'd follow a hat with a sweater, a shawl with mittens, cables with lace. But they would always follow, never intermingle.
Now my stash fills a dresser in my living room. I understand that this is a small amount of space compared to many more famous stashes, but keep in mind that I live on a student's budget. If I had a bigger house and the ability to buy to my heart's content, we'd be in more trouble.
More troubling to me, is that I'm piling up UFOs. Way, way too many. Some that I finished knitting over a year ago. So, I'm making a new rule. I'm only allowed to knit on my new projects if a) I'm watching tv/movies that I would want to watch even if I did not have knitting to preoccupy me (i.e. no more Rachael Ray) or b) I am somewhere other than my home. If I am home and want to work on fiber, I have to work to finish something.
So what is there on my "to finish" list?

Kitty pis, designed by WendyKnits. The bigger, green one is for my cat, Ganymede, a three year old male who is very, very long from nose to tail. The smaller, purpley-blue one is for the kitten we plan on getting in a couple of weeks. I assume she'll be small, at least initially. Green is Cascade 220 something or other. Purple is Plymouth Yarns Outback wool.
To do: Felt. That's all. These babies just need a tumble in the washer and a blocking. Should be simple...

Eunny Jang Deep V Argyle Vest. I love anything and everything Eunny. But not enough to finish it apparently. Yarn is Merino Style by KnitPicks.
To do: block, tack down steeks, weave in ends.

This little guy is the Trellis baby cardi from Knitty.com. Better pictures when I actually finish it; the cables are worth some attention. I think I knit it in Rowan All Seasons Cotton, but that's not a promise. I "finished" it in 11/05. Needless to say, the baby it was intended for will never get it.
To do: Buttons. 3. That's all. I'm pathetic.

Icarus from Interweave Knits in Misti Alpaca. I finished the knitting part the same afternoon I took Step I of the USMLE (medicine boards). It was a big day. It deserves finishing.
To do: Block. I hate blocking lace. Sigh.

This is a cardigan from...Interweave? I think? I'll look it up when I finish it. I remember that I had a lot of trouble with the neck edging, didn't like how it looked, and ended up sewing velvet ribbon over the edge instead. The result is kind of home-made, but I think I like it. The yarn is this hand-dyed from Italy Tencel stuff that my mom got for me from some LYS in San Francisco.
To do: Sew on snaps. Another thing I hate.
So, there's a lot to do. We'll see how it goes. Maybe since it's listed somewhere public (albeit not very public, considering the absence of readers at this stage), I'll be more inclined to stick with it.
Of course, I do have a big box of oh-so-tempting CotLin due on my porch any day now....